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I am a professor of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo. My primary interests lie in comparative politics and development studies with a regional focus on Latin America. My publications cover a range of topics relating to social movement, political participation, and process of development policy/project. I am also intreagued by Japan - Latin American relations, especially the development of the academic circle of Latin American studies in Japan.


For more information, please see Researchmap or download my full CV here.

I welcome visiting students and researchers at all levels (from bachelor to post-doctorate) who (1) have their own funding resources, (2) are interested in political or anthropological studies related to my research topics, and (3) include a Latin American country or Japan as their primary research subjects.


​​Department of Cultural Anthropology, the University of Tokyo

3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902  Japan

miyachi ( a t )

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